Creating Online Courses Based On Learning Principles
There are principles of good learning design and delivery every training professional should be aware of. These are not mere abstractions but rather serve as a practical guide in planning effective online training programs. In fact, Geri E. McArdle, in his book Training Design and Delivery, encourages training professionals to become familiar with these and apply them later. Basically, if they understand these principles and weave them into their training, they'll create more effective online learning experiences. 1. Part or Whole Learning It's not a question of which is more superior: part-learning or whole-learning segments. Rather, it is a question of what works best depending on the nature of the task and the trainee. In part learning, the training material is practiced one part at a time. The skill or knowledge is segmented into several parts. Whole learning is the exact opposite. It essentially considers the skill or knowledge to be transferred as a large, ...